Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wahhhh... The dinner i had today, i wonder when i can digest them all...
6 portions of beef steak, 8 lobsters, 3 plates of salmon sashimi, sushi, 5 bowls of ice cream, half a strawberry mousse, and many more~
LOL How long am i gonna cut them?

I want to dye my hair again!!! But $$$~ :(:(:(
I need more $$$ now!
Nvm, i'll manage somehow?

Ok, going out tmr, need to sleep soon guys :)
byebye ^-^

12:53 AM

Friday, October 29, 2010

Christmas is coming~ And i cant wait for it! New house and i hope some of my friends can come and celebrate tgth :):):) I love mickey! hahaha :):):)

This is what happens when i turn @.@ crazy -.- LOL or maybe when i just get up? LOL

Oh well~ Toodles~ ... ... ...

9:28 PM

Today was supposed to have been quite an eventful day as i have did a lot of work today.
Then something just had to screw my thinking up :(

After school, as edwin, jun xiu and i were walking out of sch together,
there was this pretty girl who was walking quite quickly in front of us.
As there was a heavy rain and all, the floor was slippery.
So, the girl who was walking quite fast actually slipped and fell in front.
A group of 5 girls or so went over to help grab her stuff for her while edwin and another 2 girls went over to try and help her up.
I merely hid behind edwin and asked if she was ok.
Not daring to even help her up.
What a guy i am.
Thats what i am.
A girl in need and in pain was just right in front of me and yet i stood behind another person thinking if she would get angry if i helped her.
For once, i faced this fact and now,

8:50 PM

Thursday, October 28, 2010

OMG... Very tired today...
Sch supposed to start from 10AM but i woke up late~ Ended up 1 hour late~
Then at around 1pm i had a freaking 3hr break alone at macs all the way till 4pm -.-
Thanks to YF, Cheryl and Yanqi that accompanied me by chatting through msn and phone.
Did my tutorial worksheet given by digital electronic's teacher and maths revision During the 2over hours that i had after lunch while having ice-vream at the same time ^^

Whew~ Sch finally ended at 6pm-.-
I had to go to amk's 7-11 to pay my over due bills, buy my soya milk.
Then i headed to amk hub's NTUC while carrying my bag, laptop, soya milk to buy my aunt's detergent that she needed.
Only bought 1 as i forgot the other brand that she wanted...
Carried the 10kg detergent + my laptop bag + my soyamilk and ntuc stuff and sch bag up the bus.
Singaporeans are singaporeans, nv know how to let ppl seat when they have so many heavy items with them, no need to say that my leg is still injured though.
Bus was full to the max and luckily at my stop half of the ppl went down~ WHEW~

Now home and super full after having my dinner and so gonna doze off soon~
BTW, dad is back again...
4 times this month alr...
Anw, bye everyone!
Crazy schedule tmr... -.-

10:05 PM

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wahhhhh Woke up a little bit late today but was only 8 minutes late for class... Lucky~
First lesson digital electronics was realtively simple and it ended early even though we did next week's lab as well.
So next week on wednesday i would only have a 2 hour lesson and thats it~
Pooled after sch today was ^^
Supposed to be loser pay all at first, but in the end, Melvin, Jun Xiu, Darryl and i all won 4 times each + darryl and jun had to leave, so in the end everyone paid $4.
After darryl and jun left, Melvin wanted to play loser pay all again~ haha
In the end i won 5 games to 4 :):):)
So he had to pay~
Total of 5 hours for pool~ hahaha

Ok, things aside, lifes pretty boring especially this week...
Hmm couldnt train from my sprained ankle and all~~~
omg... Someone please entertain me...
I'm so freaking bored... Someone please entertain me!!!
Gonna die of boredom already la!!!

10:53 PM

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

9:48AM Going to sch really soon.
I can't train for the next 2 days, as my leg isn't healed yet.
It still feels pain when i try to jog, run or even brisk walk.

Been studying a lot while in school, and trying to understand everything that the teacher teaches.
But when i'm at home, i am literally in my own world already.
I watch my animes, do my drawings and so on.
I still have many things i can do and want to do,
but what are the chances of me doing it?

Going to be late for school already.
Might be studying a little more during the break later.
Hmm hopes to get home as soon as possible these few days,
i'm not sure why as well.
Should i have lunch?
Hmmm~ Not sure ba? Later than decide~

9:48 AM

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Whoooo~ I found out alot of interesting things about my sign when i was looking around~ quite interesting though:)

关于“花心”——一般说来处女座绝不花心,忠诚是他们的代名词。异性关系多很可能是他们需要确定一个好人缘和自己有魅力,来反击那些普遍观点。一 旦找到心中真爱,他会呵护你一辈子,只要你能给他安全感,他永不背叛,心中眼中唯你一人。寻花问柳,红杏出墙这些事与他们绝缘(一是责任感所致,二是怕麻 烦)。

关于“聪明”——没事少在处女座面前信口开河,随意撒谎,很多伪纱他们一眼便能看透;也别跟他们玩什么心计,你玩不过 他们的。处女是那种可以把你卖了你还得向他道谢的类型。没事也少跟处女座辩论,他们没理也可找出理,甚至找出不止一条理来。处女是永远不会吃亏的。

关于“单纯”——处女座很纯真,但绝不单纯,他们内心复杂得让人难以想象,很多不经意的事可能都是他们精心布置的。不过他们真正的内心是极其善良的, 宁可自己苦也不愿伤害任何人,心灵如水晶一般晶莹剔透。




关于“逃避”——由于处女座性格上的因素,他们通常会显得压力很大。堕 落自己,这种状况通常对别人无害,却是伤害自己,让所有爱他们的人感到心碎。不过不用太担心,过一阵子他们自己会好的,他们天性的自我批判精神很快便会起 作用。


处女座就是一个表面神秘到难以琢磨,说穿了却又很简单的星座。最接近神的人?可能吧,处女座喜欢这样 来标榜自己。因为他们确实有超凡脱俗的一面。他们的内心接近了神,可是身在这个世界,不能不食人间烟火吧,所以必须得戴着一个面具活在这个世界上。

处女座喜欢和人说些暧昧的话,对心仪的对象却不好意思表白。 处女座希望别人了解自己,却又只将能公布的那一部分对外展示。 处女座是最有责任感的人了,可很多时候却害怕承担责任。

Virgo~ The perfectionist

Pang Seng Kiat

12:46 PM

Hmm~ Not exactly a bad day~ But relatively alright...
Had to get up early in the morning as i thought that i had to go over to Seng Kang area's Anchorvale C.C to pay for the registration and collection of the winter league jerseys.
It was already cancelled yesterday though. :(
Then i wasted $15 of cab fare and all T.T
Nvm shall ignore that now...

Rushed back home than to meet Jun and the rest over at pepper lunch.
I bought my rice burger and then we went off to have pool after their lunch~
Hmm~ No "feel" today~
hahaha oh well~
Paranormal activity 2 was !!!
I got frightened out of my life for once!
I even thought the movie Coming Soon was funny~
But paranormal 2 was really OMG~!!!
After that we headed over to pool again for a while, though they wanted to sing at Kbox~
But they didnt have K golden's promotion so played pool to roughly around 7pm? ++??
Then dinner at S-11 -.- AGAIN
Everytime have the food there after training, made things feel so -.-
Then the fun part came and we went over to Jun's void deck to cut his cake for him :)
hehehe! Cake SMASH!

Oh well~ Looking back at our other outing pics...
Brings back memories.
I'll cherish them.
Have fun together guys~
I guess i'll see u somewhere around in sch?
Oh well...


12:38 AM

Friday, October 22, 2010

Haven't posted ever since i don't know when already.
It has been long. I've been having many many bad times lately, especially these past months.
Putting my body, mind and spirit into something is really tough.
But everytime, i push, push and push harder, harder than ever. Why?
Even i myself can't find the answer.
School has started, different group modules as my classmates.
Life sucks when these things happen.
It can be a good thing though, sitting at a part of the classroom alone, and spending the time studying, not able to talk to the close people.
Or can it be a bad thing?
There have been many people that passed through my life in everything that i do, but there are some significant ones that i really want to be with most.
Some friends that are close for a certain period of time, then backstabs for a r/s,
some friends that leave due to awkwardness,
some people that judge negatively through their biasing minds.
But when it comes down to all these, there are those that are really the ones that support you, and are there to put a :) on our faces.
I have friends like these : Wei Qi, Yi Feng, Jun Xiu and Melvin.
There are even those that are not as close, but are still friends that i love to be around, like for example, jun jie and the rest.
At this point of time, i just feel like putting myself into a vacuum, where theres nothing at all, not a single person, item, cell, molecule.
For this is a time where i have to think the most.
I enjoy myself when it comes to being around with people, but i can't bring myself to hate people as well.
I will never hate a person, dislike yes i can, but not hate.
Even though i have never been in a real relationship in my whole life, being with people and friends that i have has shown me what the world is like.
Looking at the videos of people outside, experiencing the people outside, walking beside the people outside.
All of them are people.
But why are we imperfect?
Is it to make life interesting? Or is it more special?
Or is it the root to problems?
I'm not sure when people say : " You think that you are suffering? You haven't been to the outside world. "
How can a person be sure whether another is suffering much when they are not the ones feeling it?
How can a person experience and feel another?
How can one person judge another?
How can one push themselves further?
How can one tend to another?
There are many questions that have set me thinking.
Is it right to be with these people?
Is it right to be with a group?
Is it alright to be alone?
Experiencing them myself can only tell me and show me the truth.
In MY life, i've found out that some things could never be done even when you wanted to.
we have the courage to face it.
So why am i such a coward?
Because that is who i am.
Not knowing who others are, people will judge others with what they think, or try to interpret.
I just have to set myself thinking even more.

Now, i have to push everything that i can bring out to what i am doing.
Times are different, each person has different mindsets due to the imperfections.
I want to experience more.
but this loneliness is sometimes...
Physically i get hurt all the time, but i don't feel much as it would heal.
Mentally even when i have to give up like normal people do, i say : "Stop giving this shit nonsense to yourself and push!"
Spiritually, i gave up.
If you were me, you might know.
Or do i know?

8:31 AM