Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Man im starting to get pissed about foreigners... Especially malaysians nowadays... Not all msians are bad, but out of 10, ive seen 8 being retarded fktards already. Indonesians, i have friends that are nice, but there are too much retarded indos as well... seriously... I know foreigners are good in their way, but there are too much of the retarded ones as well. Foreign talent is good, but the rest of the non-talented are too cocky. Seriously, i am dislike ppl that are like this.

9:19 PM

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Well just woke up from a nap, and i had this really weird, sweet and again weird dream.
I was like on a overseas trip together with people i didnt know and with parents that i didnt have as well.
Weird thing was, the challenges and obstacles that we were supposed to do, was life risking in too many ways, and we each had to pair up with someone (not parents of course) and complete the course.
There was this mountain trail that was crazy steep and everything and slippery too.
Only thing that was safe for us was to hold on to the tough ropes that was present, and only that, no extra wires, ropes that secured us.
When my partner and i reached this path of U-turn, there were 2 obstacles to do, 1st was rope climbing, but she asked me to go ahead to the other and she would do the rope climbing on that highwall.
So i went to do the next one, which was the rope walking, where its like a net was dangling in mid air of the mountains, underneath was only the air, all the way down to the unseeable ground which made even me who was normally not so afraid of heights, jelly.

Then i sort of woke up from that, well if we passed that obstacle and made it back down, i was supposed to be in charge of getting the hotel for us for the trip, and the girls actually didnt mind anything at all.
Blurry memory after i woke up... Terrifying, exciting as hell... Just wanted to talk and write down somewhere cause i think its very valuable dream. =]

10:04 PM

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Whelp here is the one we lost in 3rd round against the champions. NoFunAllowed~

11:23 PM

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Whelp... we lost the clan tournament by facing the current champions in the 3rd round zzz... supposed to meet them in finals but due to the drawing of the lots, the most heated match was when our clan snowflakes was fighting nofunallowed in round 3 of block D.

Will upload when the other vids are out, heres our round 1 video,

signing off Nodochii


6:42 AM

Monday, September 26, 2011

Got 1st place on saturday's korean server ^^ Awaiting for the U.S server's competition which is gonna be on the 14th Oct. Registration on 30th september which is this coming week! I do hope snowflakes get first in the U.S server =/ Put in so much, money, time and effort on the U.S server already =/ already spent nearly or over $4,000 sgd on this server already~ gambate snowflakes!

Heres 1 of the top few competition videos i loved most. Enjoy =3

1:29 PM

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dead blog, but just here to post =3 as im boredddddd nyaaaaaa~

YT channel here posting my current game vids~ : http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhee

Awesome competiton video on 2nd tournament 2-3months back

2 competitons this month and next~ korean server on 24th/25th and U.S server on 30th sept onwards~ hope can get 1st this time =s

8:04 PM

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Aww shucks... There are so many places i want to travel to.
England, Japan, Korea...~

Emma Watson is so cool, she is 19 and has more than 10 million pounds alr -.-... Wth...
A 19 millionaire and even more than 10 million... which is omg, the dream of all youngsters as well...
Plus she is pretty, stars in movies... Urgh... Envy~

Oh well, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 better be out soon~ haha chows!

11:07 AM